On Fri Jan 12 08:37:08 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You are right about this. One fact is, that release schedule has been a
trade secret - hence no "end user roadmap with release dates".

Yes, but I think you (or rather Nokia) is falling into the trap of closely coupling software and hardware. Some of the N800's, from what I'm reading via IRC, shipped with one version of software, others shipped with a later version. The 770 was the same over a longer period.

I think if Nokia made more releases [and not all of them need be stable], the connection between software and hardware would be reduced, and the hardware releases would require less synchronization with software work. Competitors would be able to gain less information from the software changes, because they'd not be able to detirmine if they related to a new device or not. You'd also make the gadget folk and the developer community much happier.

Of course there are exceptions - webcams, different CPUs, etc all have software impact - but fundamentally these are (or ought to be) low-level features and specific apps. And equally, there's the issue of your third party closed app licenses, such as Opera, but that's realtively simple to tie into hardware releases, and who knows, maybe the orphaning of 770's wrt new Opera might cause a surge of development on open source alternatives.

Anyone could have made sure his application will work the day
Bora/IT-2007 goes public.

True, but for the most part Bora could have gone public completely independently of the N800 release. By tying the hardware and software together so closely, Nokia is forced to keep software details rather more secret.

Another thing is the developer program. I'm not too happy with it myself and I agree we should have at least posted the deadline after which the notifications are sent. I still hope we will at least announce that the
selection is over.

One of the major problems is that details are slipping out unofficially, and the entire community seems to be carefully interpreting every word anyone connected with Nokia says, in the hope of gleaning some information from it. In this case, your last sentence does not use the subjunctive, and furthermore uses the word "that", which has been seen by some to imply that the selection is over.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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