
Further to some discussion on the list, mud-builder's shaping up well.
It now allows the trivial production of Maemo-compatible debs, *and
their dependencies* from upstream sources such as tarballs and Debian
source packages - this is one of its key purposes: to make it easier
for people to do relatively simple ports to Maemo, and to encourage
them all to live in the Maemo "Extras" repository and not lots of
little repositories set up everywhere.

The mud mailing list is also now open, details on the Garage project page:


Since I've not had time to put full documentation together yet,
there's a simple "quick start" guide and a simple walkthrough of
porting a package on the mud website:


The workflow for uploading packages to the "Extras" repository hasn't
yet been finalised, and the meta-data on some of these debs could do
with improvement. However, in Subversion there are now packages for:

   bsdgames - from Debian, complete with fairly complex dependencies.
   cal - from Debian
   cmatrix - from Debian
   libhttpfetcher - from Debian stable
   links - from http://links.sourceforge.net/
   netcat - from http://netcat.sourceforge.net/

It's now in a state where people could start looking at it and letting
me know their initial thoughts. There are still some sharp edges, but
these are documented in the TODO.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me either
directly, here, on IRC or on the mud-builder-users mailing list.



Andrew Flegg -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  http://www.bleb.org/
maemo-developers mailing list

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