On Tue, 2007-01-16 at 09:05 +0100, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente
> Just an idea/plan:
> FIRST STAGE (alpha version)
> 1) Create a pytgtk app that asks the user for its google-calendar
> account details and stores them in the device.
> 2) When internet connection is available (or when user requests it),
> it should download ical files. Perhaps it would be better using some
> kind of sync mechanism to check updates
> 3) The app could add the ical files to EDS, or just show them as a list
> 4) There should be a nice calendar home applet to show this data.
> SECOND STAGE (beta edition)
> 1) Add sync capabilities with phone calendar using opensync or perhaps
> funambol. This way is ok for having google-phone-770 calendars synced.
> THIRD STAGE (release candidate)
> 1) Create methods to create new events in the calendar and a way to
> sync this changes with google and phone calendar.

Leaving creation of events until RC is risky, as you'll probably end up
rewriting the entire application to handle that.

Note that Dates + OpenSync can do bidirectional syncing from Google
Calendar to EDS on the desktop, so doing the same on the 770 would
involve building opensync.  The synchronisation methods in eds-dbus have
not been tested, but if they are broken they should be trivial to fix.

Ross Burton                                 mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                          jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                     www: http://www.burtonini.com./
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