I've opened


More a doc bug than anything else.

As I said there is zero useful doc around, so I ended up
hacking around and it's not pretty and not doing what I want.

I'm totally amazed to have found zero example of how to do
something as simple as:

Fn+e => send the x symbol
AltGr+e => send the y symbol
Cmd+e => send the z symbol

having the key codes for Fn, AltGr and Cmd (using xev).

Is that totally impossible with xkb?

Once that documentation problem fixed, I'll provide
a full mapping for the stoaway sierra keyboard in
about five minute.

Thanks in advance,


On Tue, 2007-01-23 at 11:46 +0000, Sergey Udaltsov wrote:
> Laurent,
> Putting my xkeyboard-config maintainer hat on...
> > I did not succeed in getting the "EIGHT_LEVEL" or "level5" mode to work
> > and define more key combos with "Fn"+key. If any xkb syntax expert
> > is lurking arount, help welcomed.
> First, could you please file a bug in bugzilla.freedesktop.org against
> xkeyboard-config and attach your patch into it? Just for
> accountability purposes, you know...
> I am not excited about  using Hyper_L codes in the compat/level5 and
> symbols/level5 file. Why are they needed? Could you not map your key
> to 0xfe11 for any reason? I know, this hex code does not look nice -
> it is just temporary placeholder till we get proper
> XK_ISO_Level5_Shift in keysymdef.h. But hardcoding Hyper_L as the only
> way to switch to level5 is really ugly. What I'd recommend is creating
> your own variant in symbols/inet and mapping <whatever the keycode is>
> to 0xfe11 - also updating rules/xorg accordingly (there is a list of
> inet keyboard at the top).
> Also, instead of modifying existing symbols/gb variant - would you
> please consider adding new variant to symbols/gb?
> Actually, I would appreciate if you do not reply here - just provide
> the reference to bugzilla bug and reply in the bugzilla.
> Thanks,
> Sergey
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