The 3.0 appliance has the scratchbox as a separate vmdk drive image which is
mounted at boot. It is pretty easy to swap this out with a 2.0 vmdk image.
If people want 2.0 I can certainly add it. I still have a 770 and a few apps
recompiled for the 770 as it is.

As for multiple versions.. I don't see the point in reinventing the wheel.
Just add to the existing device - it has been customized beyond just the SDK
installation, and regardless I am offering my time gratis.

VMWare would make this task a lot easier if they expanded the capability of
their appliance hosting portal by allowing selections for multiple downloads
ala configurations for a single appliance. Of course, hosting of the images
would help as well :-)


On 1/24/07, Jason Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's on my list to do on my own time, but would be accomplished much
if other folks in the community were to build it, and engaged myself or
VMware folks for assistance.


Jason Mills -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instructor, VMWorld 2006 Lab 3805 -- "Securing and Monitoring VI3"
Portal Project Manager / Administrator
VMTN Turner of Knobs and Pusher of Buttons


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Marius Gedminas
Sent: Wed 24-Jan-07 05:53
Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] VMWare Appliance for MAEMO 2.0?

On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 01:33:19PM +0100, Luca Manganelli wrote:
> Since The VMWare appliance for maemo 3.0 is out, I wonder if there is
> a version for Maemo 2.0, it would be useful to check the compatibility
> of applications.

Or someone can make a single VMWare appliance for both Maemo versions.
It is posible to install the 2.1 SDK on Scratchbox 1.0 -- I've just done
so, following the instructions on this page:

Marius Gedminas
Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
                -- David Sawford

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