On Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:49:54 -0800, Kon Wilms wrote:

> For the lazy: ;-)
> Web address: http://home.ufam.edu.br/~agan/minimo Distribution: mistral/
> Components: (leave blank)
> Thanks for the hard work, Antonio.

Hello Kon, 

You got it right ! 

I just in time I was trying to install apps from o-hand.com I figured this
one out then. Sorry not so familiar with the repo system of Maemo but
this is a good amount of learning everyday. 

Finally I could try Minimo, sad its not use-able as of now, and crashes,
soft keyboard had been trouble as well. I'll be glad to keep on testing it
further and providing the feedback. 

Here I must say that an Epiphany port for Maemo might happen to be a good
thing, while Minimo might take time or another port of it-self to adapt to
use-ability features of Maemo.

At-least even while using Opera on N800 so far, I badly missed smart
bookmarks of Epiphany. I admit it I am so lazy !


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