
 Can you provide the theora plugin for us, so I can do some tests also ?

If we could use theora for video decoding and tremor for audio
decoding would be wonderful ! =) We just need to make it (theora) also
use vfp...

Doing that we will be able to watch some streaming without the need of


PS: I can help you with tests and buildings...I'm online all day
([EMAIL PROTECTED] and at #maemo)

On 2/8/07, Krischan Keitsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 8. Februar 2007 schriKrischan KeitsKrischan Keits eb MoRpHeUz:
> This ogg files you're playing contain video ? I was just able to play
> audio until now...
> Best Regards,
> MoRpHeUz

Yes, I also build the theora plugin.

I did a short test this morning:

Theora and vorbis on n800
I transcoded the "Discovery.avi" with ffmpeg2theora with the default settings.

Theora video:

1) theora video only
gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=Discovery.ogg ! oggdemux ! theoradec !

cpu: ~45%
The theora video is beeing played in a window not full screen. The video
playback is good. No skips. :-) Looks promissing. I will try some higher
resolutions & frame rates soon.

2) theora video and vfp-vorbis decoding
gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=Discovery.ogg ! oggdemux name=demuxer !
{queue ! theoradec ! xvimagesink} {demuxer.!queue ! vorbisdec !
audioconvert ! dsppcmsink}

cpu: ~ 80 (45% & 35%)
Vorbis playback using the vfp causes ~35% cpu. Theora decoding is like in 1).
It adds up to ~80% and I experienced many  skips. Playback is not in sync,
halts, skips ...  :-(

However when I try to use tremor (just takes ~12% cpu) based audio decoding I
am out of luck.

If it is possible to let the tremor plugin do the audiodecoding, what would be
the right gst-lanuch string?

I need some advice from you gst gurus!

Regards Krischan

PS: 770 & n800 are not _just_ internet tablets. They are a hell of a
multimedia device. The more time I spend using my n800 and 770 the more
impressed I get!

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