ext Michael Stepanov wrote:
> Thanks for your answer, Tarani.
> On 2/12/07, *Tapani Pälli* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     ext Michael Stepanov wrote:
>     > Well, there is a open source system for home automation - Plutohome
>     > (www.plutohome.com <http://www.plutohome.com>
>     <http://www.plutohome.com <http://www.plutohome.com>>). This
>     system can use
>     > Nokia770/800 as a control panel - Orbiter. The Orbiter is based on
>     > SDL. So, after some hack it started work on Nokia
>     (os2005/os2006) but
>     > there is a problem. Icons on the Orbiter should change their color
>     > according to some events.
>     Are you missing icon 'highlight' effect when mouse is moved on top of
>     icon? Please specify exactly what the 'some events' are.
> The color of icon should be changed according to status of real device
> which represented by this icon. For example, there is a lighting
> switch and its icon. If switch is ON icon should be yellow, otherwise
> it should be black. But in real device icon every time is pink. I
> suspect that something wrong with pixels coloring using SDL. There is
> a method
Ah ok, pink might be colorkey for 1-bit transparency and shouldn't be

> OrbiterRenderer_SDL::ReplaceColorInRectangle in the
> OrbiterRenderer_SDL.cpp which changes colors of icons. Maybe SDL for
> nokia 770 uses different color format for pixels?
Yep, you could try a simple hack to find out wheter bug is here by
replacing putpixel call in loop to paint only red :
SDLGraphic::putpixel(m_pScreenImage,i + x, j + y, SDL_MapRGB(PF, 255, 0,
0); ... it seems algorithm is checking wheter destination color differs
from source enough and if so it paints. However I don't see anything
wrong in getpixel or putpixel, they should OK.

>     > Initially they are pink. Using SDL functionality their color can be
>     > changed. It works fine for Debian but it didn't work for Nokia
>     (either
>     > scratchbox emulator or real device). All icons are pink every time.
>     > I'm not developer. I'm integrator. So, it's difficult for me to
>     > understand where is the problem. Have a look attached files.
>     Maybe you
>     > can help me.
>     >
>     I couldn't spot bugs in the code you sent, maybe OrbiterLogic has some
>     calls to renderer to change icon colors?. One thing which should be
>     changed in renderer class is the colordepth used for surfaces.
>     Right now
>     it seems to be hardcoded to certain places as 32. Code should read the
>     correct depth using SDL_GetVideoInfo and make sure all the newly
>     created
>     surfaces use the same depth to avoid amount of needed conversions.
> Thanks, I check it.
>     > Thanks in advanced.
>     >
>     > On 2/9/07, * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>*
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>
>     wrote:
>     >
>     >     Hello,
>     >     Could you be more specific what are you trying todo and how?
>     Are you
>     >     going through pixelvalues and accessing them? See
>     >     surface->format->BytesPerPixel. SDL_GetRGB and SDL_MapRGB
>     should work
>     >     allright.
>     >
>     >     // Tapani
>     >
>     >
>     --- 8< -----
>     // T
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Michael 

// Tapani

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