Goran Rakic kirjoitti:

I'm interested in serbian localization, including translation into
Serbian, support for input and spell suggestions.

Let's do it - let's create l10n project for 770/N800. I have translated four programs (gpe family) in finnish and was wondering how to make them visible on garage.gaemo.org. There are more finnish translations as I know, but no simple project or page for them. There are natural language page even for finnish, but it seems to be somehow closed. I don't know how to add something for that page.

So, how about something like this:

Project Full Name: "Maemo Localization Project"
Project Purpose And Summarization: "???"
License: "GNU General Public License GPL"
Project Public Description: "Maemo Localization Project is starting point for all translators. Here you find information and recources for localization and translating applications for Internet Table 700 and N800."
Project Unix Name: "???"

I hope someone else start that project and became admin - my skills are not that good; I'm heavy user and administrator of all kind Linux-enviroments (from N800 to LTSP-systems), but I'm not a developer. And my skills for english are not so good, too.

On more thing - it is very important that every developers understand to make any applications localization friendly - there should allways be po-files available for translations. Good example is gpesummary. Version 0.5 was hardcoded, 0.6 with po-files, so I got change to translate that little applet for my N800.

So that project should also make some pressure for all developers to make all applications l10n/po-friendly.

Best regards, Asmo Koskinen.
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