I'm just trying the simplest pipeline "v4l2src ! xvimagesink"
Just it and getting 10/1 fps with no CPU penality.
see bellow

btw: to flip the image use (this is done by driver so it will be fast as possible)

GstVideoOrientation *vidorient = GST_VIDEO_ORIENTATION (source)
gboolean flip;
gst_video_orientation_get_hflip (vidorient, &flip);
gst_video_orientation_set_hflip (vidorient, flip);
gst_video_orientation_get_vflip (vidorient, &flip);
gst_video_orientation_set_vflip (vidorient, flip);


Nokia-N800-06:~$ whoami
Nokia-N800-06:~$ gst-launch-0.10 -v v4l2src ! xvimagesink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... /pipeline0/v4l2src0: queue-size = 2
/pipeline0/v4l2src0.src: caps = video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)UYVY, width=(int)640, height=(int)480, framerate=(fraction)10/1 Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ... New clock: GstSystemClock
/pipeline0/xvimagesink0.sink: caps = video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)UYVY, width=(int)640, height=(int)480, framerate=(fraction)10/1

1464 user     S       3392  1462  8.2  2.6 gst-launch-0.10
 736 root     S <     3876   317  3.9  3.0 Xomap
1449 root     R        716  1126  1.5  0.5 top
 998 user     S <      11M   937  0.0  9.0 maemo-launcher
1009 user     S <     7140   937  0.0  5.6 maemo-launcher
1005 user     S <     6928   937  0.0  5.4 maemo-launcher
1053 systemui S <     6528   317  0.0  5.1 systemui
 937 user     S <     4572     1  0.0  3.5 maemo-launcher
1033 user     S <     3416   317  0.0  2.6 osso-media-serv
1460 user     S       3392  1450  0.0  2.6 gst-launch-0.10
1462 user     S       3392  1460  0.0  2.6 gst-launch-0.10
1463 user     S       3392  1462  0.0  2.6 gst-launch-0.10
1465 user     S       3392  1462  0.0  2.6 gst-launch-0.10
1108 user     S       3028   317  0.0  2.3 mediaplayer-eng
1109 user     S       3028  1108  0.0  2.3 mediaplayer-eng
 776 user     S <     2920   317  0.0  2.2 matchbox-window
1117 user     S N     2900   317  0.0  2.2 metalayer-crawl
1120 user     S N     2900  1117  0.0  2.2 metalayer-crawl
 772 user     S <     2536   317  0.0  1.9 sapwood-server
1036 user     S       2024     1  0.0  1.5 dbus-vfs-daemon

ext Florent de Dinechin escreveu:
ext Carlos GP escreveu:
> > Hi there!
> >
> > I want to develope a program that uses the camera from n800, but I'm
> >

I guess you have read the page about the camera on

By the way, I tried several variations of the example mirror program given on this page on my n800, and the result is always very slow (1-2 frames per second), and even slows down the whole machine. Would anybody with a better experience send me a C snippet of a fast v4l camera-to-screen pipeline ?

(then I will write the ultimate killer app for the n800: a program that flips your image like a real mirror, so that you can use the n800 to shave or fix your makeup. It's probably one line more than the tutorial program).


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