On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 14:36 +0000, magda chelly wrote:
> In fact, I have a problem, it's that the Nokia N800 does not support
> JAVA and I must program with that language. You know something about
> that? What must I install to make my program runs on that?

Feel free to try SUN's GPL'ed Java PhoneME advanced which comes with a
virtual machine and API. It is available for download under [1]. Copy it
one the device and unpack it via the command line. Don't expect a full
featured Java platform. For current shortcomings have a look into this
message [2].

> Which virtual machine work on that, or maybe there is somewhere a
> virtual machine that work on NOKIA 770.

The above mentioned virtual machine is known to run on the 770. Feedback
on N800 usability is appreciated!

I am very interested in your success stories as well as in any problems
you may run into!


[1] http://i30www.ira.uka.de/p2p/ambicomp/phoneME_Nokia770/
[2] http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/maemo/developers/17898#17898

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