Kalle Valo wrote:
"Frantisek Dufka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

What about the connection strength from ConIc StatisticsEvent [1]?
Maybe he can use it after some experimentation to find the lowest
acceptable level.
Or maybe simple shell script pinging your default gateway in regular
intervals could bring the connection down via dbus-send if no packet
got through. This should be more failproof than guessing from signal

Please do not do that, it would drain the battery in no time. For
devices like 770 and N800 data transmission has to be kept in minimum
in order to preserve energy. These kind of issues need to be fixed in
lower levels, where it's much more energy efficient.

What I suggested was a workaround not solution, that's true. By pinging in regular intervals I mean using ping to send let's say 5 or 10 packets (ping -c 10) and then sleep e.g. 15 seconds. I did not mean pinging default gateway continuously.

I'm not sure you can solve this on lower levels completely without doing the same i.e. sending data to check they got through and back.

If you don't do this it will be too late for some situations. When you actually send data that matter and find the connection is dead, you need to reconnect and retry, which is not ideal.

So it is compromise between battery power and comfort (i.e. high chance of having connection ready when you really need it).

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