Riku Voipio wrote:

The UI should not use a dialog if it ends up hiding relevant information below it... IMNHO current UI overuses dialogs. Just count how many popup dialogs
you need to get a http proxy set for a new wlan connection...

I think Nokia has forgotten a crucial feature of GUI design in small devices, which they had pioneered in phones: that the number of interactions (in this case, taps) should be reduced to an absolute minimum.

On my web page (sorry, I keep referring to it, but it's got all the good pictures), I've got a classic example: the awful Contacts application. If I wish to view the existing data a contact, I need to do this:

        - Tap the filter so I can see the contact, and scroll to it
        - Tap the contact
        - Press the weird ">>" button
        - Click on "Details"
        - Examine the data
        - Click close
        - Click close AGAIN

On the Address Book application on the Mac, here's what I need to do:

        - Scroll to the contact
        - Tap the contact
        - Examine the data

No closing anything. Likewise if I wish to EDIT the contact in Contacts and add an additional email address, I need to:

        - Tap the filter so I can see the contact, and scroll to it
        - Tap the contact
        - Press the weird ">>" button
        - Click on "Edit"
        - Click on "Add Field"
        - Choose Email
        - Click "OK" (bad name)
        - Fill in the new email address
        - Click close
        - Click close AGAIN

On MacOS X's Address Book, here's what I do:

        - Scroll to the contact
        - Tap the contact
        - Click "Edit"
        - Click "+" next to the existing email address
        - Fill in the new email address

I don't even need to bother clicking Edit again to turn off edit mode if I don't care.

The Newton is similar to the Mac here. And on top of it, on the Mac and Newton I can *see* everything that's going on during this process because it's not being obscured by a big stack of dialog boxes. The difference is that Nokia has us wending through large collections of modal okay/close dialog boxes when it SHOULD be using pop-up menus and state changing buttons (like "Edit") to reduce the complexity of the system.

I wish that Contacts were the only offender here. But it's not. The company needs to work much harder at flattening the user's GUI modality.


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