
ext nati dobkin wrote:
> hi, thanks for replaying
> I will try to explain what is happening. when i start the device it
> shutdown
> after 6 secs, if i connect it to a charger then it starts a rstart loop and
> restart every 6 secs.
> I cant set the R&D mode because the device is not stay on more the 6 secs
> and. if i connect it to the conputer then the conputer is not
> recognizing it becuase the device just shuting down.
> Is there another way to set the R&D mode or flash the device?

You're not doing this properly (the reboot happens after the bootloader
has finished which would have taken care of the flashing / R&D flag
setting).  Connect the USB cable, start flasher so that it waits for
the device, only then start the device.

Or if you want to start the device before the flasher program (while usb
cable is connected), keep Home key pressed so that the device bootloader
waits for the flasher program.

Please see the instructions on the Maemo site.

If you've run your battery empty, you need to charge it somewhere else
(e.g. in some N-series phone) before trying flashing.

        - Eero
maemo-developers mailing list

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