
- The new maemo.org seems to be well received. Still some rough edges
and thingies to fine tune. Different opinions about the fixed width.
Thanks for your bugs and improvement suggestions submitted in bugzilla. 

- Do not hesitate filing more reports even if they are minor things or
matter of taste. We are happy agreeing with you the next moves. We are
working on the fixes since the very minute the site was launch and we
have just agreed to put some more resources to help fixing these bugs.

- About maemo Bugzilla, the tool itself. We have upgraded the software
and integrated the design to the rest of the site. We have basically
closed the access to non-registered users to avoid spammers even if we
agree it's not the best option. We will integrate soon the users so same
login will apply to the core website, Garage and bugzilla. But there is

Our bugzilla still needs lots of love and we want to put a remedy.
Please file any improvement ideas to
https://maemo.org/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=bugzilla . We are not
talking now about the content (Jake & co are taking care of this). Not
even about the products & components structure, that we need to discuss
in order to make it more consistent and useful. The core topic is the
tool itself, the user inteface, the features missing...

My personal approach to this is to have anything good available in the
bugzillas out there and useful for our case. What can I say, I'm in love
with http://bugzilla.gnome.org and Olav aka bkor is in my (quite
restrictive) Olympus of Free Software Heroes. We want ideas to have
something as good as that, and perhaps also ideas to have something
better we can try and contribute back. Once we have a plan we will need
the expertise, or perhaps we need the expertise first and then the

Anyway, the first step is your feedback. You are the first ones that
need to be happy with that tool.

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