
ext Erin Stadler wrote:
> The problem with the solution below is that you can still minimize the app
> and then you are stuck with a white screen with nothing left to do but
> restart it or re-flash it. Is there a way to let the desktop boot up but
> stop other applications from loading other than the browser, so essentially
> you keep the person from being to browse to anything other then the program
> you give them?

You need to:
- disable Desktop from starting and start only Browser
- and use the same policy for Browser as for Desktop so
  that it's restarted when user closes it (see desktop
  startup script)
- change Matchbox theme (xml file, documented in Matchbox site)
  so that window titlebar doesn't have minimize button

        - Eero

> 2007/3/23, Simon Moore <simon.moore at ndirect.co.uk
> <https://maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers> >:
>> It does work, I've tried it.  Not specific to the
>> browser of course, can send any key to any
>> screen, but in this case you send F6 when the
>> browser is the front window to make it full screen.
>> Anyone got any tips on changing X windows (i.e.
>> removing window manager) so just the browser
>> starts up with no other Apps?  It would make the
>> above work so much better as a kiosk. (nokia 770)
> A quick and dirty way would be to replace maemo-af-desktop with osso
> browser in maemo-af-desktop startup script
> (/etc/osso-af-init/maemo-af-desktop.sh).
> A more proper way in my opinion would be to write a real init script
> for it, and just remove the unneeded programs from the af initscripts.

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