
No key-press (or release) events are produced by the virtual keyboard to
the main window, so no wonder you're not getting them ;) The keyboard
itself is a standalone process with it's own window (AFAIK).

But, the text is committed to the entry through the IMContext API. My
suggestions for you would be to create an instance of a
GtkIMMultiContext and take the text from there using semi-standard
IMContext API. At least you should:

1) gtk_im_context_set_client_window(im_context,

2) connect to the "commit" and "preedit-changed" signals

3) then do gtk_im_context_focus_in() and/or gtk_im_context_show()

4) on "preedit-changed" call for gtk_im_context_get_preedit_string()

5) also give a try on gtk_im_context_hide() and/or

Hope this helps :)

/ Antti

Sebastian Mancke wrote:
> Hi,
> Eero Tamminen schrieb:
>>> Additionally to this, we have played around with midpath, a J2ME
>>> implementation. Guillaume Legris from midpath wrote a gtk backend, for
>>> it. Currently this effort hangs, because I don't get the key events from
>>> the hildon/gtk libraries of the soft keyboard.
>> Have you disabled the automatic Hildon IM Gtk plugin loading somehow?
> Not that I know. To get the input in an GtkEntry works, for example.
> But on an input with the soft keyboard, no 'key-press-event' on the
> GtkWindows is raised. (The hardware 5-key button raises the instead.)
> For the midpath backend, I have only a GtkWindow with a GtkDrawingArea
> in it. I have to get the key events to push them back to the java code.
> At https://garage.maemo.org/snippet/browse.php?by=cat&cat=12
> there is a snipped, to get the raw xlient messages
> (_HILDON_IM_INSERT_UTF8) and create X events from their payload. But
> isn't there a better solution within gtk?
>> All normally launched Gtk applications in the device should get it
>> automatically:
>> # pid=$(pidof maemo_af_desktop|cut -d' ' -f1)
>> # grep hildon-im /proc/$pid/maps
>> 41580000-41587000 r-xp 00000000 1f:04 2473
>> /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/immodules/hildon-im-module.so
> My result is:
> 41094000-4109a000 r-xp 00000000 1f:04 1989
> /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/immodules/hildon-im-module.so
> 4109a000-410a1000 ---p 00006000 1f:04 1989
> /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/immodules/hildon-im-module.so
> 410a1000-410a2000 rw-p 00005000 1f:04 1989
> /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/immodules/hildon-im-module.so
> Regards,
>   Sebastian
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