I can really feel with David, as I encountered exactly the same issues when 
developing mClock during the last few weeks.
While the N800 motivated me enough to plunge into Linux development, some 
issues around the Hildon Dekstop and D-Bus were indeed extremely frustrating.

>> The problem I'm having now is understanding what I'm supposed to
>> do to fix this. Having looked at all of the documentation I've
>> listed above, I began reading [...]
> i suggest you convert the energy you put in writing those long
> emails into reading carefully
> http://maemo.org/development/documentation/tutorials/Maemo_tutorial_bo
> ra.html http://maemo.org/development/documentation/how-tos/3-
> x/howto_new_application_bora.html
>> My biggest problem is that all of the instructions I've read so
>> far insist on giving me examples, and I can't pick out which
>> things are relevant to me and which are not. 
>> [...]
> studying maemopad is a good exercise to understand what's going on
> (apt-get source maemopad), it worked for me.

Isn't this a very non-efficient way to achieve something, especially if 
someone's needs differ a bit?
Normally, there should be enough basic documentation covering a theme, and the 
example would then show the real-world application of it.
The docs you quote are a good start - but not sufficient, as they only show 
how, but don't tell why - which is crucial to understand the area and be able 
to resolve problems.

> "D-BUS service file is installed in “/usr/share/dbus-1/services/”
> and maemo GUI needs to be restarted with “af-sb-init.sh restart”
> before D-BUS daemon recognizes it."

But isn't this only valid for Scratchbox? IIRC, I can't do this in xterm on my 
N800. My app still doesn't properly connect to the D-Bus, even altough I did 
exactly like the examples tell me (PyMaemo doc) and how I could observe in 
various examples that I dissected. I believe this has something to do with 
services keeping running even after an uninstall of a service file or with 
services not getting up and running even properly. (I did a lot of 
installs/uninstalls of my app)

>> Any offers of help? Or is this going to be another of my
>> questions that disappears into a black hole never to get answered?

Using PyPackager (www.khertan.net ), I build my simple .debs directly on the 
device. Makes it much easier to get started in a simple way.
-The yourappname.desktop file must go to usr\share\applications\hildon
-The yourappname.service file must go to usr\share\dbus-1\services
-Put a yourapp.png (26x26 pix) under usr\share\pixmaps

Install OpenSSH, then connect as root to the device. Now SFTP through the 
directories, download what interests you and look at it.
This way, you can also control if your files ended up where you wanted them...

>> The N800 is an interesting piece of
>> kit, but without MUCH better documentation and properly
>> integrated development tools, it is too expensive to write for
>> and more trouble than it's worth.
> welcome to the embedded world, no you're no more under windows
> sitting comfortably behind visual studio's brilliant debugger :)

Even if this is the embedded world, stuff must become much better documented if 
Nokia wants to gain more support from developers.
One thing Microsoft excels at is in documentation, example code and support 
(you get what you are paying for ;-)
In the end, it is the maturity, ease-of-use and extent of the available 
software that makes a platform successful.
Right now, its is still too hard for the less-than-hardcore devs to get up and 
running on Maemo. Which is a shame, because the concept and the device are 
fantastic IMHO. But then, this is a "young" platform that is still ripening...

In my example, I had the code for mClock done after a few hours, thanks to the 
ease of use of Python with Pygame (even if it was my first ever Python app).
OTOH, I literally wasted more than double that time in trying to get the D-Bus 
service to properly work with my app. And no, my Icon doesn't yet show up in 
the tasks - but at least I can see and launch it from the Extras menu :-)
[Currently, my app doesn't seem to connect to it anymore, as I can't seem to 
stop the screen blanking with display_blanking_pause; even altough I had it up 
and running one evening... However, I DO launch the app using the D-Bus service 
(at least I get the "mClock is loading..." info window when starting it from 
the desktop and the app comes up. And with that comes my other issue: the 
infowindow keeps being in the foreground for at least 20 seconds even if the 
app has finished loading long ago. Annoying.

(Another long mail, but at least this shows the energy and enthusiasm available 

Best regards


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