Luca Olivetti wrote:
> En/na vicente garcia ha escrit:
> >>> Finally after 4 hours of fiddeling I want the old days with my old
> >>> TurboPascal back. ;-)
[^^^That was me]

That was Luca:
> > Are you crazy? I must develop some applications with pascal + mysql +
> > gtk 2 then I felt in the Hell. I hate pascal but I learn so many gtk
> > tricks :)

Ok. When I said the old days with TP, I meant the work flow. It was easy
to install, one key press to compile and one to generate a .exe file.
When I started with Maemo, this was the first time I fiddled with the
GNU autotools. Ok, I did that some time ago with some kde apps I wrote
(back in the KDE 1.xx days) but didn't use it later. I create my Zaurus
packages out of a single makefile. I did this also with my fractal
package (its SDL based) at garage, but unfortunately the source code is
lost. I wanted that as a example how to create .deb packages for Maemo
without the autotools. But not using autotools will cause problems in
uploading to the extras repository. 

BTW: I really like C, I am not really a fan of Pascal. My idea is to
bring fabrice bellards Tiny C Compiler to the N8xx series. There exists a
EABI backend for that. But therefor, I need some holidays. The TCC is
really fast but generates bad optimized code. But _on_ the device
compiling speed beats execution speed. The GCC is too fat to run nicely
on a N8xx. The N810 would be nice for that, because of its integrated
Keyboard. The TCC can directly compile to memory, so with a lightweight
Editor this would be a nice little programming environment.

greetings, -Klaus

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