On Fri, 16 Nov 2007, Igor Stoppa wrote:

> If disk space is not an issue for you

Nope, it isn't...

> , maybe you can do like me and use
> a chrooted environment for each sdk (i use it because I have a full
> 64bit system, but scratchbox is only 32 bit). I prefer this solution
> since it makes it quite easy to experiment: install your chrooted
> system, make a copy of it and feel free to trash it after experimenting.

My development is also pure 64bit :-)

So, do you install a 32bit distro + scratchbox inside the chroot or just 
scratchbox? I already have a 32bit chroot installed already (mainly to run 
32bit plugins and codecs).

> The gotcha is that I have to do all the bindmounting that scratchbox
> would do from the outside. Apparently doing a double bindmount from
> chroot to sbox of a /dev or /proc directory doesn't work and at the
> second step you end up with an empty directory.

Could you explain this a bit more?


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