Okay it's been 3-4 days how long is it going to take to fix this "simple"
bug for the US site.

How about we provide our US snail mailing address and you folks just send it to us.
Send it COD or something, it would less painful to get a cashiers check or money order
than to wait for this storefronts to get fixed, or created or whatever has taken over
a month now to setup. I think you said on December 15 that "Next Week" the codes would
activated and ready to use. It's not Friday January 19th, and still no hope in site, but
a lot of promises.

I hope the device works better than the process to get it.


>US has the interface to handle the maemo codes almost completed. It was
>apparently ready but there was an issue during the testing yesterday.
>The fix should be simple but I still haven't got a date due to the
>different timezones. Contributors having selected the US shop will
>receive an update and instruction as soon as the service is available.
>Canada should be ready to handle the maemo program requests by the end
>of this week.
>Quim Gil
maemo-developers mailing list

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