On Monday 21 January 2008, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> * Hanno Zulla
> | Maemo (as such) is free enough, some of the apps and drivers that Nokia
> | ships with its tablets are not. A competitor interested in building a
> | Maemo device should be able to adapt Maemo to its hardware and build
> | replacements for the non-free apps.
> Not all the parts of maemo are necessarily interesting to others.
> Ubuntu has no need for busybox or initfs since we use a normal
> initramfs with glibc instead.  We use a different bootloader (grub)
> than the normal maemo stack and we use network-manager rather than
> ConIC.

Well I am starting to try using Maemo as an embedded network appliance. It 
will not be a handheld, but I want the software stack to be as much Maemo as 
possible. I have a few reasons, but one is I find the its integration to be 
very tight. I am hoping as I approach it, that the integration is not so 
tight as to make the OSS solution be totally hamstrung. I am taking some easy 
ways out to begin with. For starters I am using arm9 based hardware very 
close to that on the N8XX series. I am also intending a touchscreen and not 
keyboard. The architecture is very close to the N800, but its use case is 
vastly different. 

So far I have my booting debian system and now I have to start 
building/installing hildon and gtk packages. I hope I will soon have a Maemo 
device to show off. (Where soon is some number greeater than 0)

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