
ext Tobias Oberstein wrote:
> Hello tableteers,
> I've done some initial experiments hacking my N800/OS2008 and ran into a
> couple of issues:
> When using the supplied SDL library for doing timer-based frame
> rendering, there seems to be
> - heavy tearing

Tearing unfortunately happens because there is no vsync available for
framebuffer driver to use.

> - significant overhead due to X server
> (rendering pipe is : SDL -> X -> Framebuffer)
The overhead here is probably not as big as you expect. SDL uses shared
memory extension to create and update image(s) so all it passes to X is
pointer and then X copies the data to framebuffer driver.

> [Note: yes, I'm aware that doing full screen blits is evil on the N800
> due to limited framebuffer -> video RAM bus bandwidth.]
> Q: Is this expected behaviour? What could I do about the tearing? What
> about the Xomap overhead?
You cannot help the tearing, you might want to try with different timer
values etc. to make end result look better. If you are planning to
develop a game you could take a look at :


You should try to minimize the amount of updated area and redraws.

> ==
> I've read a lot of bits on the web 'bout mplayer, vsync, omapfb etc.
> and tried to assemble a minimal example of using direct framebuffer
> access for gfx output.
> Q: I can't get the tearing away (only fixed at certain line positions).
> What am I doing wrong?
Nothing, you cannot get away from tearing.

> Q: Also, frame rate is sluggish, though CPU load is much lower than
> SDL/X. Ok, my FB example is not threaded like the SDL timer example ..
> is that the reason for framerate even < 15/s?

> Q: btw - how can I shutdown Maemo Launcher/Hildon/Matchbox/Xomap?
> Whenever I do one of
Quite likely this won't really help you with the performance issues.

> /etc/init.d/maemo-launcher stop
> /etc/init.d/x-server stop
> the device will automatically reboot.
> ==
> I wondered if there would be any plans to make SDL run directly on
> framebuffer .. if not, I'd maybe give it a try.
I would be interested in these results too but I wouldn't expect so much
performance boost from there.

> Q: Where can I find the sources to the OS2008 SDL?

I wish I knew. Anyway, there is not significant changes in our SDL, you
can safely browse the upstream source at http://libsdl.org/

> Thx and cheers,
> tgo

// Tapani Pälli

Software Engineer
Open Source Software Operations 

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