
while porting Xournal to Maemo I decided to give it as much hildonization is
Base xournal uses only a bunch of predefined colors (something like 9 or 10

I decided to use the hildon_color_button widget to give the user a much wide
choice of colors.
I get the GdkColor from the color button and have to convert it in RGBA
because Xournal only works with those values
(passing "fill-color-rgba" to the canvas items). It does this, I think, for
being able to make a highlighter tool available in different colors
(by making use of the alpha channel).

anyway, I convert the GdkColor to RGBA using the macro:

GdkColor *color; // read from the hildon_color widget
guint alpha = 0xFF; // no transparency

guint rgba = GNOME_CANVAS_COLOR_A  (color->red, color->green, color->blue,

and then use it wherever it is needed.

This works for the predefined colors in the color chooser dialog.
But if I choose my own custom color it does not.

If I use the GdkColor as is (thus passing "fill-color-gdk" to the canvas
items), it works, but I can't use the alpha channel (can I ?).
If I convert this custom color to RGBA with the given macro, it paints in a
totally different color.

Is this some issue with the colormap ?
Is GNOME_CANVAS_COLOR_A not good for this ?

Any other hints ?

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