"ext Niels Breet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> There is no official list of categories, which has brought us to state
> we are in now.

There is, http://hildon-app-mgr.garage.maemo.org/packaging-stable.html:

    Segments and Sections

    By default, the AM only shows packages in certain segments to the
    user. This has been done to hide the existence of the hundreds of
    system packages that make up the operating system itself. The AM is,
    at this point, not intended to let the user manage the whole system,
    only a smaller set of third party applications.

    The AM only shows packages in the user segment. Thus, your Section
    field in the control file should be of the form

    Section: user/SECTION

    where SECTION is arbitrary. SECTION should be a nice capitalised,
    English word like "Ringtones". There is no support for localising
    that word yet, unfortunately.

    However, there is also a predefined set of sections. If your package
    fits into one of these sections, you should put it there. This will
    avoid fragmenting the section names, and the names of these sections
    will be correctly localised.

    The list of predefined sections and their English names is:

        user/accessories    Accessories        
        user/communication  Communication
        user/games          Games              
        user/multimedia     Multimedia         
        user/office         Office         
        user/other          Other                    
        user/programming    Programming        
        user/support        Support        
        user/themes         Themes         
        user/tools          Tools          

    Thus, if you want to put your package into the Office section,
    include the field

    Section: user/office

    in your control information. If you want to put it into "Ringtones"
    (which is not pre-defined), use

    Section: user/Ringtones
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