Hi there,

I'm working on getting OpenAFS to work on maemo, but I need some

What are  some common networking scenarios for a Nokia N8XX, what 
interfaces are present?

So far I have the following:

* disconected mode (only lo)
* full wifi (lo & wlan0)
* wifi without address (link local) (lo and wlan0)
* restricted wifi ( i.e. web only ) (lo and wlan0)
* online mode, but can't find a network/not connected (is wlan0 present?)
* USB networking?
* bluetooth networking?
* wifi with a VPN (lo, wlan and what?)

I know that ICD fires DBUS messages for wifi events, but does it fire an 
event when any new interface comes online, like say a VPN interface, 
bluetooth or USB networking?

I'm also trying to figure out how to detect when a network has a captive 
portal and then is authenticated and becomes an unrestricted network.

Any suggestions for detecting and reacting to these scenarios? Am I 
stuck with polling some known network host to detect a restricted 
network and if/when it becomes unrestricted or vice versa?

Do I need to write some GUI tool to let the user trigger these changes?

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