Am Samstag, 7. Juni 2008 schrieben Sie:
> ...
> > Quality first! Releasing shouldn't _only_ be a management
> > decision. When the quality is as expected then the (scrum ?)
> > team should hand over the responsibility to the management.
> > They can then powerpoint the great event ;-)
> And this is what the maemo development team does.
> To understand better what Josh is saying you need to know that there is
> a gap of time between the moment the development team says 'this release
> is ready' and the moment the image goes actually out. The public release
> date is decided from a business and marketing perspective based on many
> factors that go beyond the quality of the software.
> > Personally I
> > consider fix release dates as contra productive. Quality it
> > the key to success.
> There are lots of books about waterfall and agile development, and about
> feature or timebox based development. In fact all combinations exist
> i.e. agile + timebox.
Quim, this is getting really interesting. Maybe you could give us (the 
comunity) a brief insight about your combinations of different development 
strategies. How about the modest team? They release often with high quality - 

(I know that you can't tell us much due to hundreds of constrains - but, hey 
who knows. Could be a pr relevant article or so. :) ) 

It would allow us to understand software development in such a special and 
interesting part of the market.

Cheers Krischan
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