A Quick Look at maemo Bugzilla
2008.06.19 through 2008.06.25

My apologies for the delay in getting this edition to the list. I
didn't discover until this morning that the version I sent last night
was too obese to fit through the door. In order to drop the Bug Jar's
weight quickly, I've eliminated the links to individual bugs. I
apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

As of 2008.06.25 maemo Bugzilla contains 3256 (+44 this week) items,
including 1140 open issues (+15 this week):
* 753 open bugs (no change this week)
       * 10 critical/blocker (no change this week)
       * 10 "easyfix" (+3 this week)
       * 86 "moreinfo" (+30 this week)
       * 20 "crash" (+1 this week)
       * 16 "patch" (-2 this week)
       * 294 unconfirmed (+11 this week)
* 387 open enhancements (+15 this week)
       * 11 "easyfix" (+4 this week)
       * 4 "moreinfo" (no change this week)
       * 4 "patch" (no change this week)
       * 102 unconfirmed (+4 this week)

==--- New Items ---==

32 new bugs were opened:
* [3265] base-files 3.1.osso2+3.1.10.osso16 postinstall script use...
* [3267] Multiple email accounts causes time outs
* [3268] Contact image file selector close grabs pointer
* [3270] metalayer locks SD cards from PC USB access
* [3272] connection error causes e-mail program to eat up battery
* [3273] talkshoe calls dropped after first ring
* [3274] "User contributions" not visible
* [3275] Browser address bar still on screen when typing into text...
* [3280] Wiki pages sometimes fail to load with "lost network conn...
* [3281] Sporadic lockup/reboot when USB host software releases pe...
* [3282] Maemo Diablo Reference Manual, Application Development: G...
* [3284] Use of RTCOMM beta for IRC leads to reboots
* [3287] Maximized google reader draws weird lines on the screen
* [3288] Wizard-mounter no longer installs
* [3289] E-mail messages and Settings boxes linked in Backup/Restore
* [3290] comma appended to filenames from tablets-dev
* [3291] MicroB's about: page shows old version and copyright info...
* [3292] Can't install or uninstall Rhapsody on Diablo (osso-ic mi...
* [3293] Bluetooth headset (Jabra bt202) connectivity needs re-pai...
* [3294] Modest does not show more than one remote account at once
* [3295] Modest does not memorize text zoom level when exiting mes...
* [3297] International characters in SSID
* [3298] Inconsistent behaviour of ctrl-L, can't type in location ...
* [3299] Cannot remove menu entries for partially installed / appl...
* [3300] Display light ignores what's set through control panel
* [3302] email adres with non ascii character not displayed proper...
* [3303] causes camera trigger not to work
* [3304] Modest doesn't correctly handle incoming events
* [3305] INSTALL.txt suggests nonexistent 'sudo' instead of 'faker...
* [3306] DUMMY connections not visible in Select connection dialog
* [3307] Incorrect catalog name for Extras in Application manager
* [3308] ioctl SIOCGIFHWADDR returns wrong MAC address for TAP vir...
Of these, 1 was a critical/blocker:
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3281 )
* [3281] Sporadic lockup/reboot when USB host software releases pe...

12 new enhancements were opened:
* [3266] Integrate the mediawiki with the rest of the maemo.org site
* [3269] Street addresses missing from contacts.
* [3271] Tabbed conversations
* [3276] Allow experienced users to set audio and video encoding s...
* [3277] Allow changing of the quality setting in the main view
* [3278] Change the way the estimated time is displayed
* [3279] Streamlining user access to the Extras repository
* [3283] Install the citation extension for the wiki
* [3285] "Copy and Paste" menu option would be useful
* [3286] allow update button on toolbar to be pressed from main view
* [3296] Modest should allow user to configure fonts
* [3301] Add option to ignore the N810 ambient light sensor

==--- Confirmed Items ---==

6 bugs were confirmed:
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3073,3229,3294,3295,3298,3306 )
* [3073] Can't enter non-alphabetic Control Sequences such as Ctrl...
* [3229] 2.2 tutorial links are incorrect
* [3294] Modest does not show more than one remote account at once
* [3295] Modest does not memorize text zoom level when exiting mes...
* [3298] Inconsistent behaviour of ctrl-L, can't type in location ...
* [3306] DUMMY connections not visible in Select connection dialog

4 enhancements were confirmed:
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2303,3269,3271,3285 )
* [2303] Karma should count ITT 'Thanks!"
* [3269] Street addresses missing from contacts.
* [3271] Tabbed conversations
* [3285] "Copy and Paste" menu option would be useful

==--- Keyworded Items ---==

1 open bug was tagged "easyfix":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3289 )
* [3289] E-mail messages and Settings boxes linked in Backup/Restore

33 open bugs were tagged "moreinfo":
* [821] Nokia 770 does not work on Wifi networks using WDS
* [835] apt-worker dies when I compile application installer with...
* [840] Easy to reproduce GStreamer DSP error (mixing error?)
* [888] maemo-launcher cannot be upgraded live on a 770 running S...
* [918] Sardine upgrade as described on http://maemo.org/maemowik...
* [969] Kernel does not support crypto.
* [1006] last.fm flash player audio stops when screen blanks
* [1020] N800-Lower part of the screen unsynchronised while watchi...
* [1022] Flash is not displayed correctly sometimes
* [1038] Statusbar extension arrow sometimes gets shown wrongly
* [1067] Partially set up WiFi connection drains battery.
* [1072] Random boots / reboot upon shutdown with bootreason por
* [1094] Can't stream "high quality" real player videos from the BBC
* [1103] Media Player incorrectly deals with tags in UTF-8
* [1106] N800 sees only a limited amount of access points
* [1128] Feed reader applet doesn't linewrap the topics when selected
* [1166] oss-pdf-viewer built from source does not start
* [1208] Media Player library shows wrong video length before playing
* [1209] Media player ponders several seconds after pushing "play"...
* [1210] video playback on Media Player gets jerky or freezes
* [1211] Multiple audio events cause noise/interuption issues...
* [1226] Odd behaviour in timebar when moving from 0:59:59 to 1:00:00
* [1268] Untrusted certificate problem with Opera
* [2082] Tablet will not see any networks (or connect to those it ...
* [2676] Microb browser connect failure timeout
* [2991] My Device is gets hanged...
* [3144] Device starts reboot loop when charging
* [3146] miniSD insertion lockup
* [3265] base-files 3.1.osso2+3.1.10.osso16 postinstall script use...
* [3273] talkshoe calls dropped after first ring
* [3281] Sporadic lockup/reboot when USB host software releases pe...
* [3292] Can't install or uninstall Rhapsody on Diablo (osso-ic mi...
* [3293] Bluetooth headset (Jabra bt202) connectivity needs re-pai...

1 open bug was tagged "crash":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3281 )
* [3281] Sporadic lockup/reboot when USB host software releases pe...

0 open bugs were tagged "patch".

3 open enhancements were tagged "easyfix":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=1000,2224,3285 )
* [1000] Given name of radio stream not shown in "Now Playing"
* [2224] Maemo user profile public formatting isn't nice
* [3285] "Copy and Paste" menu option would be useful

0 open enhancements were tagged "moreinfo", "patch".

==--- 22 Closed Bugs ---==

12 bugs were closed "fixed":
* [907] unable to test taskbar plugins.
* [1014] UPnP served files are not recognized according to type by...
* [1048] Connecting to GPRS on the ROKR E2 phone does not work
* [1070] Media Player shows tagged AAC files under (unknown artist)
* [1080] Navigation capplet just "weird"
* [1111] [TRACKER] Maemo GTK+ 2.10 Regressions
* [1206] Auto-shift logic is very flaky...
* [1281] Very slow video output performance and tearing for fullsc...
* [2389] garbage/errors in netstat output on actual N800 ITOS2008
* [2624] Keys with type slide don't work in stylus virtual keyboard
* [2698] Contact image problem locks screen
* [3254] Hearts don't turn red when clicked

4 bugs were closed "invalid":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=745,839,3275,3288 )
* [745] Invalid magic on JFFS2 block 0
* [839] Very minor leak on closing the control panel
* [3275] Browser address bar still on screen when typing into text...
* [3288] Wizard-mounter no longer installs

2 bugs were closed "wontfix":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=927,2915 )
* [927] Sardine: Missing dpkg-preconfigure causes error messages ...
* [2915] runaway "enprocess" uses 100% CPU time

2 bugs were closed "duplicate":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=950,1427 )
* [950] WEP with 802.1x EAP PEAP still not supported
* [1427] F5 does not show Home

2 bugs were closed "workforme":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=792,3146 )
* [792] no way to debug hildon-home applets
* [3146] miniSD insertion lockup

0 bugs were closed "later", "remind", "moved", "-".

==--- 9 Closed Enhancements ---==

6 enhancements were closed "fixed":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=19,356,2292,3158,3234,3263 )
* [19] GtkTextView widgets need a border
* [356] Kernel lacks IPv6 support
* [2292] xpt_link program not included in package microb-engine-dev
* [3158] Reporter and Developer information
* [3234] "Do not reply to bugmail, add a comment instead"
* [3263] Users can't remove their account from garage.

3 enhancements were closed "wontfix":
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=149,184,1889 )
* [149] Graphics app cannot delete lines
* [184] battery applet doesn't give feedback when tapped
* [1889] Add Camera support to Flash plug-in.

0 enhancements were closed "invalid", "later", "remind", "duplicate",
"worksforme", "moved", "-".

==--- Biggest Bugs ---==

Ten biggest open bugs by number of votes:
1 [2878] Very poor satellite acquisition with internal GPS
2 [2723] Pushing key once causes multiple repeats
3 [375] minimum backlight level is too bright at night
4 [2784] Screen taps or presses go to random locations, randomly
5 [417] WEP with 802.1x EAP PEAP not supported
6 [2564] No consistency on scrolling/scrollbars in bundled OS2008 ...
7 [1771] Bluetooth transfer speeds not really meeting Bluetooth 2....
8 [2640] Can no longer pair bluetooth keyboard after upgrade to OS...
9 [1767] trying to connect to "localhost" while offline/disconnect...
10 [2850] On screen keyboard dooesn't always realise that bluetooth...

Ten biggest open enhancements by number of votes:
1 [176] Support for OGG Vorbis / Theora missing
2 [667] A2DP and AVRCP Bluetooth profile wanted
3 [1833] N800 to PC video calls
4 [2639] Home View needs to have an option to lock widgets into place
5 [1695] Request tabs be included.
6 [1046] RFE: Power Management Profiles (AC/Battery, Timed, Enviro...
7 [303] Clock should allow configurable 12h/24h display
8 [368] USB mode selection on control panel
9 [1017] need 802.1X/PEAPv0/MS-CHAPv2 and/or 802.1X/EAP-TTLS/MS-CH...
10 [1129] Media player doesn't save the timeposition on close

Ten biggest open bugs by importance:
1 [2770] /dev/urandom produces predictable data just after boot
2 [3026] USB state hangs at b_idle on n810(won't allow mode change...
3 [1842] Constant metalayer-crawler crashes & CPU usage with some ...
4 [2928] SECURITY: nmap -sS -O -p 1- against N810 will cause it to...
5 [2212] Karma system should allow more e-mail addresses
6 [3220] Midgard access control for folders and pages does not work
7 [2896] Busybox prevents installing full versions of tools packag...
8 [3179] Finger keyboard return key closes finger keyboard instead...
9 [2640] Can no longer pair bluetooth keyboard after upgrade to OS...
10 [3280] Wiki pages sometimes fail to load with "lost network conn...

Ten biggest open enhancements by importance:
1 [95] desktop-files documented poorly
2 [630] Increased Bugzilla transparency - get the developers invo...
3 [1309] garage accounts and bugzilla accounts should be merged
4 [2035] Bugzilla users who are Nokia employees should be noted
5 [2224] Maemo user profile public formatting isn't nice
6 [2867] Contacts is unable to import phone book of my cellphone
7 [2899] List of hardware keyboard layouts is not expandable
8 [73] add zeroconf (Apple Rendezvous) support
9 [101] Use the wiki for developer documentation
10 [150] Audio player should have enqueue option

This summary is also posted to Internet Tablet Talk:
maemo-developers mailing list

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