On Mon, 6 Oct 2008 21:48:34 -0500
"Frank Banul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I thought I would put a .install on the garage page but it seems
> that the garage web server is not configured to serve the .install
> files in a format that would allow for single click installs. I tried
> several different formats but couldn't get one to trigger an install.


  This manual task can be automated by providing a file of MIME type
  "application/x-install-instructions" and have the user open it with
  the Application installer.  Files with the extension ".install" are
  recognized to have the mime type "application/x-install-instructions".

I think the last sentence only applies to files stored locally. So, if
you're using Apache2, you might want to add something like this to your
configuration files (or .htaccess, if the web server config allows it):

AddType application/x-install-instructions .install

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