On Oct 30, 2008, at 3:41 AM, Quim Gil wrote:

> ext Ryan Abel wrote:
>> Yes, a structured plan with enough open-endedness to keep the  
>> creativity
>> flowing would be best. A Diablo-based community branch (perhaps  
>> combined
>> with osv-c) might be helpful as a test-bed for some of the wilder  
>> ideas
>> before pushing them to the proper Fremantle development branch.
> osv-c?


This: http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Maemo_Community_distribution

> Also, would it make sense to have stable/unstable branches for
> Fremantle? Ideally there would be a stable branch accomplishing all  
> the
> requirements and deadlines agreed with the Fremantle program, and  
> then a
> unstable branch installable and testable on the SDK. Relevant  
> additions
> and changes in unstable ought to be approved first internally before
> going to stable.

This is one of the things I envisioned the community distribution  
providing, but if it's integrated with Nokia's development process,  
then all the better. Beta releases are something the community has  
been after for a long time, so this seems like a great idea. Hopefully  
the unstable branch will also be installable and testable on devices,  
though, as the limited platform support of the SDK makes it hard for  
some people to use it.

> In my previous email I forgot to mention the text strings. There is a
> localization process that needs to translate any changes in NN
> languages. Think it twice before changing/adding any text string and  
> be
> aware that at some point no string changes will be accepted unless  
> they
> are bugfixes.

Yes, string changes may end up being quite a pain (which is, again,  
where a community branch will come in handy as a testing ground not  
restricted by Nokia's release requirements). About how many languages  
are we talking about currently?

> Maybe Marius wants to consider following the maemo.org monthly sprints
> to organize community tasks this way? e.g. Call for features to be
> completed during the November sprint.

A possibility, but I'm a little worried about overloading the Sprints  
with too many disparate projects (the IRC meeting in particular).  
Perhaps simply breaking the Sprint into smaller sub-sections would  
work, though (maemo.org/Council and open development of Maemo Software  

>> Modest and MicroB (including the UI) are the two other products I'd  
>> like
>> to see use this open development model though both are probably  
>> somewhat
>> more ambitious is scale (though even more important than Application
>> Manager as far as the basic user's trifecta). Modest, in particular,
>> didn't seem to do all that well on its first run through as a
>> Nokia-developed UI, and the community certainly has a few ideas for  
>> its
>> improvement.
> I would add the RSS feed reader myself...

Yes, it slipped my mind mostly because I don't use it, which is mostly  
because it pretty much sucks. ;)

> But please create enhancement requests for the products you want to  
> see
> moving to open development, and assign them to me. We will discuss  
> with
> the related teams and see how and when would this make sense.

Something like http://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3836 ?

> It was good to start with the AM in this casual way and it fits well  
> the
> purpose of a pilot. If we are increasing the list (and the shared
> responsibilities) it is better to do it with some more planning,  
> though.

A wise plan.

Ryan Abel
Maemo Community Council chair
maemo-developers mailing list

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