
Sorry to jump in a thread like this as a stranger! My name is Nicolas and I
am just a N810 owner interested in development. This thread makes a lot of
sense to me because as a user I am a bit frustrated with the current AM.

So just my 2 cents, I totally second Simon comment about being able to see
available plugins before installing an app. What about having a kind of
nested view which would expand available plugins when you select an app in
the AM (or with an expand icon somewhere). Near the title of the app you
could even have a number indicating the number of plugins available for a
particular application?

Of course this would mean introducing a kind of hierarchy in the package
index (do current package index already support this?).

I don't have any drawing skills to illustrate this, so I hope my
explanations make sense.

Best regards,

> We spoke about this before (not sure whether it was on the list or not,
> does
> anyone have a link - Jaffa?), but basically I would like to be able to see
> what plugins an app has before installing it. I might want to see if Pidgin
> has current support for Gadu (or any other protocol, etc.), I'd prefer not
> having to install it to be able to see the available plugins. I do agree
> though that hiding them would clean up the list and would be suitable for
> most of the time (though it should be possible to unhide them if needed).
> Cheers,
> Simon
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