A Quick Look at Maemo Bugzilla (https://bugs.maemo.org/).
2008-11-03 through 2008-11-09

As of 2008-11-10 Maemo Bugzilla contains 2973 (+4 this week) items,
including 1008 open issues (-14 this week):
* 619 open bugs (-11 this week)
        * 12 critical/blocker (no change this week)
        * 16 "easyfix" (+1 this week)
        * 171 "moreinfo" (+1 this week)
        * 20 "crash" (no change this week)
        * 16 "patch" (+1 this week)
        * 14 reopened (no change this week)
        * 210 unconfirmed (-5 this week)
* 389 open enhancements (-3 this week)
        * 12 "easyfix" (-2 this week)
        * 9 "moreinfo" (+1 this week)
        * 14 "patch" (no change this week)
        * 4 reopened (no change this week)
        * 77 unconfirmed (+1 this week)

==--- New Items ---==

2 bugs were opened -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3843,3847 ):
* [3843] Clock Fails to Switch from Daylight to Standard Time
* [3847] Function (Fn) key disabled always, numbered keys disabled @
boot lock code, Chr key disabled

0 bugs were critical/blocker.

2 enhancements were opened -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3844,3845 ):
* [3844] Packages with invalid sections should appear in the Other category
* [3845] New list of valid categories needs to be added to Application
Manager and localized

==--- Closed Bugs ---==

8 bugs were closed "fixed" -
* [1247] N800 applications generally are modal dialog box mazes
* [1531] GtkTreeView does not emit row-activated signals on tap or double-tap
* [2213] Song on the internal SD card are ignored
* [2385] osso-xterm has wrong depency on maemo-browser-interface-dev |
* [2537] Only INBOX namespace is shown
* [3072] Contacts not responding when i tap screen after opening contacts
* [3660] going off- then on-line with ad-hoc doesn't reconnect wifi
* [3830] IP Routing Table Incorrectly configured for Wi-Fi with static address

1 bug was closed "invalid" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2748 ):
* [2748] Mediaplayer will only allow items to be removed from library
if they exist on mmc/sd card

1 bug was closed "wontfix" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2839 ):
* [2839] Cannot delete menu items in Panels > Task navigator > Apps > Organize

1 bug was closed "duplicate" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3045 ):
* [3045] Mediaplayer incorrect  display MP3 ID in 8bit encodings

1 bug was closed "worksforme" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2568 ):
* [2568] Menu icons for newly installed software are not shown at
correct size before reboot

0 bugs were closed "moved".

==--- Closed Enhancements ---==

3 enhancements were closed "fixed" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=708,2560,3442 ):
* [708] Connection icon should show signalstrength
* [2560] Editor: Confusing "File format" string; move format out of sub-sub-menu
* [3442] Provide a real change log for the agps-ui

1 enhancement was closed "invalid" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=279 ):
* [279] Pasting impossible from Add-Feed entry

2 enhancements were closed "wontfix" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=656,2772 ):
* [656] Audio player should allow volume change with closed cover
* [2772] Metalayer Crawler adds all oggs from Map application (with
large CPU and memory usage)

0 enhancements were closed "duplicate".

1 enhancement was closed "worksforme" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=473 ):
* [473] Too aggressive WLAN power save timing crashes audio player

0 enhancements were closed "moved".

==--- Confirmed Items ---==

3 bugs were confirmed -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=1968,2223,2839 ):
* [1968] Accept-Language is based on "Regional settings" instead of
"Device language"
* [2223] Changing device name impossible when in offline mode or bluetooth off
* [2839] Cannot delete menu items in Panels > Task navigator > Apps > Organize

0 enhancements were confirmed.

==--- Reopened Items ---==

0 bugs were reopened.

1 enhancement was reopened -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2450 ):
* [2450] Audio recording above sampling rate of 8KHz

==--- Top Tens ---==

Ten biggest open bugs by number of votes -
1. (14%) [2878] Very poor satellite acquisition with internal GPS
2. (5%) [2723] Pushing key once causes multiple repeats
3. (4%) [375] minimum backlight level is too bright at night
4. (3%) [2784] Screen taps or presses go to random locations, randomly
5. (3%) [2850] On screen keyboard dooesn't always realise that
bluetooth keyboard has been connected or disconnected (+1 this week)
6. (3%) [3557] Browser tops its windows by itself (-1 this week)
7. (2%) [2640] Can no longer pair bluetooth keyboard after upgrade to
OS 2008 with restore
8. (2%) [1767] trying to connect to "localhost" while
offline/disconnected triggers network search
9. (2%) [3026] USB state hangs at b_idle on N810 (won't allow mode
change from sysfs)
10. (1%) [2602] Battery drain low or empty overnight

Ten biggest open enhancements by number of votes -
1. (13%) [176] Support for OGG Vorbis / Theora missing
2. (5%) [1695] Provide "open link in background"
3. (4%) [303] Clock should allow configurable 12h/24h display
4. (4%) [1046] Power Management Profiles (AC/Battery, Timed,
Environment and screen saver)
5. (3%) [3519] Integrate screen rotation patches into stock kernel and X server.
6. (3%) [1129] Media player doesn't save the timeposition on close (+1
this week)
7. (3%) [1017] need 802.1X/PEAPv0/MS-CHAPv2 and/or
802.1X/EAP-TTLS/MS-CHAPv2 (-1 this week)
8. (2%) [417] Support WEP with 802.1x EAP PEAP
9. (2%) [1635] Eduroam (EAP-TTLS+PAP) WiFi auth (+1 this week)
10. (2%) [1584] provide system management software under free software
licenses (-1 this week)

Ten biggest open bugs by importance -
1. [3026] USB state hangs at b_idle on N810 (won't allow mode change from sysfs)
2. [3190] Show "Connection to one or more account lost" when re-invite
3. [2878] Very poor satellite acquisition with internal GPS (+1 this week)
4. [3378] Connection dialog presents only previous connections and
doesn't scan (+1 this week)
5. [2004] Missing VCard response crashes IM app (+1 this week)
6. [3420] tinymail should not use g_atexit (+1 this week)
7. [3530] Email app crashes when accessing IMAP account (+1 this week)
8. [3281] Sporadic lockup/reboot when USB host software releases
peripheral (+1 this week)
9. [3555] sudden auto-poweron prevents battery recharge (+1 this week)
10. [2709] Wrong encoding cyrillic received ICQ messages (new this week)

Ten biggest open enhancements by importance -
1. [3844] Packages with invalid sections should appear in the Other
category (new this week)
2. [3845] New list of valid categories needs to be added to
Application Manager and localized (new this week)
3. [101] Use the wiki for developer documentation (-2 this week)
4. [151] Should be able to select home view feeds in "News Reader" (-2
this week)
5. [166] Confusing selecting behaviour in browser (-2 this week)
6. [176] Support for OGG Vorbis / Theora missing (-2 this week)
7. [217] Browser needs the "globe" icon (browser window selector) on
the toolbar in full screen mode (-2 this week)
8. [236] Number of entries in news applet should be configureable (-2 this week)
9. [262] Internet Radio displays annoying popups. (-2 this week)
10. [264] Selection of Favourite in Audio applet should start
immediately (-2 this week)

Ten oldest open bugs -
1. [272] tagesschau.de podcasts not supported
2. [304] Automatic proxy configuration file is not obeyed by news reader app
3. [327] Connectivity wizard and certificate selection
4. [339] browser needs internet connectivity for accessing localhost
5. [360] HildonApps needlessly resize on map
6. [361] GtkCalendar widget size behaviour
7. [375] minimum backlight level is too bright at night
8. [503] Missing settings for Orange gprs
9. [566] Touchscreen makes a sound but clicks aren't registered
10. [619] Characters entered via a USB keyboard do not appear in some Maemo Apps

Ten oldest open enhancements -
1. [101] Use the wiki for developer documentation
2. [148] Graphics app has only one step undo
3. [151] Should be able to select home view feeds in "News Reader"
4. [166] Confusing selecting behaviour in browser
5. [176] Support for OGG Vorbis / Theora missing
6. [217] Browser needs the "globe" icon (browser window selector) on
the toolbar in full screen mode
7. [229] Browser should support different font sizes for web pages
8. [236] Number of entries in news applet should be configureable
9. [262] Internet Radio displays annoying popups.
10. [264] Selection of Favourite in Audio applet should start immediately

==--- Keyworded Items ---==
( glossary: https://bugs.maemo.org/describekeywords.cgi )

0 bugs were tagged "crash".

0 bugs were tagged "easyfix".

5 bugs were tagged "moreinfo" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=1240,1689,3048,3843,3847 ):
* [1240] label_yalign is broken in gtk.Frame, yet text is too close to frame box
* [1689] Media Player streaming radio song title missing/appears after stopped
* [3048] Silence sounds while at the same time keeping audio feedback
when typing
* [3843] Clock Fails to Switch from Daylight to Standard Time
* [3847] Function (Fn) key disabled always, numbered keys disabled @
boot lock code, Chr key disabled

0 bugs were tagged "patch".

0 bugs were tagged "performance".

0 bugs were tagged "security".

0 enhancements were tagged "easyfix".

1 enhancement was tagged "moreinfo" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3078 ):
* [3078] Autocomplete for URLs

0 enhancements were tagged "patch".

0 enhancements were tagged "performance".

This summary is also posted to Internet Tablet Talk:
and the Maemo Bug Jar blog:
maemo-developers mailing list

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