On Jan 17, 2009, at 8:13 PM, Mike Turquette wrote:

> I'm a developer at Texas Instruments.  I'm interested in building as
> many pieces of Maemo 5 (especially Hildon) as possible for some of our
> OMAP3 development boards.

Nokia is (or was, they've likely moved on to their own hardware by  
now) using Beagle Boards for internal testing, so it's certainly a  
feasible thing.

> I'd prefer to use OpenEmbedded for building out of SVN, however a
> quick glance through Nokia's repositories is a bit overwhelming.  Is
> there an easy guide to way out,

Maemo has its own SDK, the version of which for Fremantle is currently  
in pre-alpha.[1][2]

> 1) what software in
> https://stage.maemo.org/viewcvs.cgi/projects/haf/trunk/?root=maemo is
> currently maintained and will be used in Maemo 5?

You want http://repository.maemo.org/pool/fremantle/ This table may  
also be useful, though: 

> 2) is there a document of any kind detailing how to build a root fs
> from these pieces, or is that left as an exercise ot the reader?

The current release of Maemo 5 is an SDK-only release, so it's meant  
to be used for development on a PC. A rootfs image that might be  
flashed onto a real device will likely be forthcoming once a real  
device is available.

For the time being, the pre-alpha doesn't contain all of the  
components that will be shipping with the final release. Most notably,  
it's still using the Diablo UI (the Fremantle UI will be revealed in  
May-ish when the Beta SDK is released).

> 3) is anyone doing anything like I am mentioning (specifically with
> OE)? I know there are some recipes for Maemo 4, but they are quite
> deprecated (though I've gotten a fair number of them to build with
> small modifications).

I don't know of anybody working with OE to build Maemo. Maemo has a  
fairly mature and workable SDK, so I can't see anybody being very  
inclined to put the work into hamming another build system into  

Probably what you really want to do is talk to the Mer guys, as their  
work coincides more closely with your goals, I think, than Nokia's.[3] 


Ryan Abel
Maemo Community Council chair

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