A Quick Look at Maemo Official Applications in Bugzilla
2009-06-01 through 2009-06-07

As of 2009-06-08 Maemo Official Applications contains 1265 items (+1 this week),
including 257 open issues (-29 this week):
* 122 open bugs (-25 this week)
        * 0 critical/blocker (no change this week)
        * 1 "easyfix" (no change this week)
        * 28 "moreinfo" (-4 this week)
        * 0 "crash" (no change this week)
        * 5 "patch" (-1 this week)
        * 8 reopened (-1 this week)
        * 25 unconfirmed (-5 this week)
* 135 open enhancements (-4 this week)
        * 4 "easyfix" (no change this week)
        * 6 "moreinfo" (+2 this week)
        * 7 "patch" (no change this week)
        * 1 reopened (no change this week)
        * 11 unconfirmed (-2 this week)

==--- New Items ---==

1 bug was opened -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=4636 ):
* [4636] IRC plugin does not work

0 bugs were critical/blocker.

0 enhancements were opened.

==--- Resolved Bugs ---==

13 bugs were resolved "fixed" -
* [272] tagesschau.de podcasts not supported (FiF)
* [2045] adding a bookmark from browser stores the favicon from the
current page (FiF)
* [2422] Alphablending fully transparent pixels in PNGs broken (FiF)
* [2448] "Twitter replies" page renders incorrectly (XML instead of HTML)
* [2507] zooming in google docs: no scrollbar available, part of text
not shown (FiF)
* [3182] Select box rendered incorrectly (not possible to choose values) (FiF)
* [3642] rendering artifacts on zoomed pages after using scrollbar (FiF)
* [3662] Blank lines stripped from email body on sending and saving drafts (FiF)
* [3762] Performance is unusable on INBOX with large number of messages (FiF)
* [3876] some modifications in about:config reset to default when
browser restarted (FiF)
* [3941] Signature separator misses trailing space (RFC 3676 violation) (FiF)
* [4071] find/search toolbar misplaced relative to main toolbar (FiF)
* [4540] File Manager unable to handle UTF-8 tags of mp3 files (FiF)
  (FiF) indicates the bug is Fixed in Fremantle.

2 bugs were resolved "invalid" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3622,3740 ):
* [3622] Ctrl-A does not work in URL field
* [3740] RSS feed fails to parse (rss version="0.91")

2 bugs were resolved "wontfix" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3953,4054 ):
* [3953] modest loads on wlan connection even with periodic mail
checks off, and stays loaded
* [4054] Opening banner never goes away because images treats folders
with image extensions as images

2 bugs were resolved "duplicate" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2110,2807 ):
* [2110] Do not wait until the page is rendered to react to user
command (eg next page)
* [2807] Error subscribing to https maemo garage feeds from microb

7 bugs were resolved "worksforme" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2594,2719,2967,3005,3385,3471,3699
* [2594] After stopped alarm, paused song will start.
* [2719] general feeling that the loading of pages is sometimes slow
* [2967] Ignores scrollbar & toolbar gconf settings/ fails to remember settings
* [3005] Opening a new email through the pop-up does not mark it as read
* [3385] Can't connect to ICQ anymore
* [3471] All user-installed extensions disappear after browser restart
* [3699] After installing libvte X Terminal cannot be started

0 bugs were resolved "moved".

==--- Resolved Enhancements ---==

3 enhancements were resolved "fixed" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2571,2938,3527 ):
* [2571] Signature dialog should just be a tab in the accounts dialog (FiF)
* [2938] Add XBL support (was: Password field not shown on
www.wellsfargo.com) (FiF)
* [3527] Modest should scroll to the top when new mail arrives (FiF)
  (FiF) indicates the enhancement is Fixed in Fremantle.

1 enhancement was resolved "invalid" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2864 ):
* [2864] Fails to add RSS feeds which error on HEAD request

0 enhancements were resolved "wontfix".

1 enhancement was resolved "duplicate" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=464 ):
* [464] Save horizontal position across pages

0 enhancements were resolved "worksforme".

0 enhancements were resolved "moved".

==--- Confirmed Items ---==

1 bug was confirmed -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=4636 ):
* [4636] IRC plugin does not work

1 enhancement was confirmed -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2525 ):
* [2525] Preedit does not function in the browser

==--- Reopened Items ---==

1 bug was reopened -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=1142 ):
* [1142] news reader does not support authenticated feeds

0 enhancements were reopened.

==--- Unloved Items ---==

0 bugs were needing love.

0 enhancements were needing love.

==--- Top Tens ---==

Ten biggest open bugs by number of votes -
1. (23%) [3557] Browser tops its windows by itself
2. (11%) [2722] Window scrollbar down/right buttons gets stuck
3. (9%) [2405] Center dpad press is treated as <enter> key, triggering
form submit instead of activating finger keyboard
4. (6%) [3298] Focus not set to location bar after Ctrl-L shortcut is used
5. (4%) [349] Browser does not use user certificates from certman
(control panel)
6. (4%) [2987] Does not always mark e-mails as read
(dovecot/cyrus/google IMAP server)
7. (3%) [1112] Recurrent alarms do not work reliably
8. (3%) [1860] Won't pass through VPN
9. (2%) [1839] tap and hold on links sometimes doesn't trigger
animation / context menu (+1 this week)
10. (2%) [2765] Repository state is not restored by backup (new this week)
  Please visit http://bugs.maemo.org to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten biggest open enhancements by number of votes -
1. (7%) [3602] osso-software-version-rx*4 dependencies prevent
removing many unnecessary packages
2. (6%) [2557] Keep Sent and Drafts on IMAP server
3. (5%) [2758] Setting a device name should set also the hostname
4. (4%) [761] Please add support for 'fit visible' option to PDF reader
5. (4%) [1235] Please consider open-sourcing the media player
6. (4%) [2710] Don't show disclaimers unnecesarily when
installing/updating software
7. (4%) [1282] List new applications in Application Manager
8. (4%) [3929] Requesting integration of some community supplied XTerm
9. (3%) [1851] Add "Appear in Desktop" flag for each feed
10. (3%) [2725] SMS support for the chat application
  Please visit http://bugs.maemo.org to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten hottest open bugs -
1. [1112] Recurrent alarms do not work reliably
2. [2831] After restore, Application Manager responds confusingly if
no wifi connection is active
3. [3250] Keys of special characters of the physical keyboard don't
work at web text entries
4. [3675] backup will loop nearly infinitely for directories
containing pairs of symlinks that do not point to descendants because
backup is following them
5. [1109] Logical string names displayed after restoring with
non-existing locales
6. [2676] Microb browser connect failure timeout
7. [2765] Repository state is not restored by backup
8. [3809] Typing occasionally slows to a crawl, lags input
9. [2150] PDF Reader doesn't support internal document hyperlinks
10. [3672] Internet Call keeps trying a non-existing IP

Ten hottest open enhancements -
1. [1563] Application installer to send feedback to the providing site
if install fails
2. [2570] Download headers on demand with IMAP
3. [2758] Setting a device name should set also the hostname
4. [960] specify socks proxy for Google Talk (to work behind firewall)
(+1 this week)
5. [986] add support for OPML feeds file import to RSS news reader (+1
this week)
6. [1235] Please consider open-sourcing the media player (+1 this week)
7. [2525] Preedit does not function in the browser (+1 this week)
8. [2317] Chat doesn't show <composing> and <inactive> for chatting
contact (+2 this week)
9. [2557] Keep Sent and Drafts on IMAP server (new this week)
10. [2779] Modest doesn't support S/MIME encryption (new this week)

Ten oldest open bugs -
1. [304] Automatic proxy configuration file is not obeyed by news
reader app (+1 this week)
2. [349] Browser does not use user certificates from certman (control
panel) (+1 this week)
3. [935] RSS reader misbehavior on HTTP redirects (RFC 2616 violation)
(+1 this week)
4. [998] Application Installer attempts to use disabled proxy (+1 this week)
5. [1109] Logical string names displayed after restoring with
non-existing locales (+1 this week)
6. [1112] Recurrent alarms do not work reliably (+1 this week)
7. [1142] news reader does not support authenticated feeds (new this week)
8. [1528] Cannot add a trusted certificate to Web Browser
9. [1694] Unneccesary screen redraws when opening new window in full screen
10. [1708] Browser loses track of closed Windows

Ten oldest open enhancements -
1. [339] Browser able to access localhost without Internet connectivity
2. [601] should offer remove/install multiple packages at once (+1 this week)
3. [604] Renaming files by changing only case should be allowed (+1 this week)
4. [637] Certificates not backed up or restored (+1 this week)
5. [639] Certificate Manager should import PKCS#7 files. (+1 this week)
6. [718] Supporting Jabber through proxy (+1 this week)
7. [761] Please add support for 'fit visible' option to PDF reader (+1
this week)
8. [788] nick completion or nick selection in chatrooms (+1 this week)
9. [960] specify socks proxy for Google Talk (to work behind firewall)
(+1 this week)
10. [972] Manage all accounts (Email etc) in Control Panel's Account
settings (new this week)

==--- Keyworded Items ---==
( glossary: https://bugs.maemo.org/describekeywords.cgi )

0 bugs were tagged "crash".

0 bugs were tagged "easyfix".

3 bugs were tagged "moreinfo" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=935,1708,1801 ):
* [935] RSS reader misbehavior on HTTP redirects (RFC 2616 violation)
* [1708] Browser loses track of closed Windows
* [1801] tapping browser rss icon should list ATOM feed, not just RSS

0 bugs were tagged "patch".

0 bugs were tagged "performance".

0 bugs were tagged "security".

0 enhancements were tagged "easyfix".

2 enhancements were tagged "moreinfo" -
( https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2046,3392 ):
* [2046] browser should handle unrecognized content and xml
* [3392] per account mail download size

0 enhancements were tagged "patch".

0 enhancements were tagged "performance".

This summary is also posted to Internet Tablet Talk:
and the Maemo Bug Jar blog:
maemo-developers mailing list

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