On Tuesday 30 June 2009 10:19:35 Mandeep Sandhu wrote:
> Now I want it to load this module at boot time.

The kernel and the initial set of modules are loaded from a separate area of 
the Flash memory -- not from the "root" filesystem which you see and modify 
once the system is booted.  You can see that separate filesystem 
as /mnt/initfs (e.g. look in /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/).

Unfortunately, that filesystem is read-only and, in practice, you cannot 
modify that set of modules (you can, but only by rewriting parts of the 
system flash -- not something that can be done on a user's device when 
installing some software).

The workround for loading custom kernel mdoules is to create an initialisation 
script which includes the insmod commands.  Of course, this does not allow 
you to replace any modules that are already in use.

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