On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Frantisek Dufka<duf...@seznam.cz> wrote:
> Nicola Mfb wrote:
> Bootloader on N8x0 and 770 is closed. Kernel and rootfs can be replaced but
> for best experience one needs to stay with Nokia released kernel versions
> (2.6.18, 2.6.21). Other versions boot too but not everything is working 100%
> since some bits are closed or never went upstream or were removed due to bit
> rot (dspgateway).

The freerunner is going to run 2.6.31, the process to submit code
upstream started and will be completed quickly. Due to 3d interaction
with dri/drm kernel part, or similar other things I guess the n900
kernel will be stonith at some point, that's a bit sad.

> With N900 we don't know yet but hopefully the bootloader will be u-boot.

That's nice, the best would be if we'll be able to update/replace
u-boot, and have a way to debrick the device if something goes wrong.
I found a thread where an n810 user had to pay to "cold reflash" its
device in nokia center, I did not dig deeply on that, only was warned.

> Also the hardware is very similar to other OMAP3 based devices (OpenPandora,
> Beagleboard, Touchbook, even Palm Pre) so the chance of bit rotting is
> lower. Previously problematic parts (wi-fi, dsp) are more open now, new

May you elaborate please? wifi is exposed normally? may we use
wpa_supplicant, hostap for master mode? and about dsp, is not there a
"transparent" alsa driver to play anything with any software or to
switch connections between the gsm/umts module and mic/earpiece (about
that I guess we have to wait a bit more :) ?

> 'problematic' stuff is 3d and phone parts. 3d have kernel parts open but
> userspace is not, phone is hopefully open enough. Overall I guess it will be

Again about that, are applications able to full use opengl
acceleration without using closed userspace libraries?

> perfect as a Linux hacking device if you like N900 hardware.

It depends on how much the closed part is exposed and flexible, the
linux on phones project needs freedom to grow.
I understand the Nokia "differentiation" concept and think this is
compatible with "open hardware specs" and "write your alternative OS".
Actually OpenMoko stopped development and support of freerunner and
there are no plans for developing further devices, the important part
is that after three years there is now an experienced community that
is bringing to the light the linux on phones project.
There is a middleware (www.freesmartphone.org) actively developed and
running on several phone devices and really more complete than ofono,
and there are a lot of experienced developers that for years are
enjoying embedded/mobile world, and finally a lot of brainstorming
about all that from common users.
It would be very nice if the N900 as of it phone module may be one of
the next devices that our community may support and join, that's the
reason of my questions.
I guess N900 may already fit most Linux geeks needs, and I think I'll
buy one of it and join the maemo community anyway, but I'm just
speaking about a bigger concept.

>> The hardware is exposed by kernel in a standard way, e.g. the phone
>> audio connections are managed by alsa while on other fakefree devices
>> (like HTC dream) there are some closed source libraries to do that
>> preventing the port of opensource phone stack (FSO).
> The oFono phone stack is open.
> http://lwn.net/Articles/332820/

There were an irc discussion on that, it was revealed that there is no
ofono on N900, but it seems to be in the nokia todo list (I hope with
N900 too) so if and when it will be ready this should help in FSO
supporting it.

Finally, it may be nice if Nokia may donate some devices to FSO and
OpenEmbedded core team, any interest/chance about that?

Thank you very much and best regards

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