The hackers' guide mentions the "light sensor,  proximity  sensor,  and  IR  
Can someone from Nokia already anwer some questions about these three 

Glancing at,
 it seems that MCE is used to control light sensor and proximity  sensor. While 
it seems that some parts of MCE are available through D-Bus according to (LED, vibrator), the control light 
sensor and proximity  sensor are not mentioned. Are/will the be available 
through D-Bus, too? Or is there another preferred method to communicate with 
MCE for these sensors? What kind of "values" or information can the proximity 
sensor offer?

What is the exact specification and intended purpose of the IR port? (It seems 
to be a bit of an easter egg, but Irreco is already available for Maemo 5, so I 
guess the port is available as a serial device - source isn't available yet, 
however). And: Any range information?

For happy hacking, it would be nice to have this information available.

Thanks! (and special thanks to the persons getting the IR port onboard!!!)

> Hacker's Guide released:
> Any info if the sample projects will make it to the Maemo Summit?

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