
Am Donnerstag, den 24.09.2009, 19:14 +0200 schrieb Damian Piotr
> my name is Damian Melniczuk and I'm president of AASOC - student
> organisation which main purpose is to promote FLOSS. We are organising
> celebration of SFD in Wroclaw in Poland. I think, it will be good idea
> to promote Maemo at this event. So, we are looking for developer or user
> who could actively participate at SFD in Wroclaw which will be
> celebrated at 3rd October.
> Cheers!

As you sent this message to quite a few open source projects out there
(also smaller ones) I wonder what you expect and/or plan? A talk by such
a developer or user? Or are there workshops?
Is there a webpage listing what you plan to organize for SFD (which
means "Software Freedom Day" as I found out after googling)?

Just curious,
Andre Klapper (maemo.org bugmaster)

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