[cross-posting to maemo-developers]

2009/10/13 Anderson Lizardo <anderson.liza...@openbossa.org>:
> [cross-posting to maemo-developers]
> 2009/10/13 Benoît HERVIER <kher...@khertan.net>:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to put a gtksourceview2.View in a hildon.PannableArea() ...
>> but gtksourceview2.View subclass gtk.TextView and not hildon.TextView
>> ...
>> So it s look like i need to make a fork to have something like a
>> hildonsourceview2 ...
>> Maybe i'm wrong, did you see an other way ?
> I think you should ask on maemo-developers as well, because the Python
> API just reflects the underlying C library's class hierarchy.
> Regards,
> --
> Anderson Lizardo
> OpenBossa Labs - INdT
> Manaus - Brazil
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