On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Andrew Flegg <and...@bleb.org> wrote:
> Anderson wrote:
> I plan to write up the conclusions and actions from the BOF as a follow-up to 
> Tim's notes, however on the Python issue would one of these two options work 
> well (from a point of view of expediency and  pragmatism):
>  1) Build Python with a prefix of /opt/maemo/usr.
>     Hardcode, either in an init script, or Python, PYTHONPATH to
>     /opt/maemo/usr/lib/python2.5:/usr/lib/python2.5:/...
>  2) Add an init.d script which bind mounts /opt/maemo/usr/lib/python2.5
>     over /usr/lib/python2.5 at boot.

I don't see any reasons why any of the above two would not work, so it
might be interesting to at least try them with a small experiment to
the python2.5-minimal package.

But note that still no Python package (including applications) can
have their executable scripts (i.e. those called directly by the
interpreter) optified, otherwise a similar problem to optifying
/usr/bin/python2.5 will occur.

> Both of these would handle the issues with some Python modules not being 
> optified, and get Python out of the rootfs.

We will give them a try, together with some more obvious size optimizations :)

Anderson Lizardo
OpenBossa Labs - INdT
Manaus - Brazil
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