On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 12:44, Tim Samoff <sam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Using /opt: Why, How & For How Long?

The conclusions, and actions, as I remember them:

  * We want everything to be optified, if possible.

  * first-boot-wizard should rm -rf /opt/*.
    ACTION: mvo to get into a future Maemo Update.

  * The autobuilder will run maemo-optify after the build, UNLESS a
    control field says not to (or the package already uses /opt).
    This WILL create bugs which package maintainers will need to fix.
    ACTION: mvo to liaise with jeremiah & X-Fade

  * There MUST be a way to generate the same package locally for

  * The community and Nokia will work together (in maemo-developers)
    on defining the heuristics and maintaining the scripts. We've
    already seen a new possible heuristic: don't touch if it's got
    a Python dependency.

Does anyone remember differently? I'm sure there'll be some discussion
either way ;-)

  Marius Vollmer (mvo), Marius Gedminas (mgedmin), Tim Samoff (timsamoff),
  Andrew Flegg (jaffa), Tim Teulings (framstag), Carsten Munk (stskeeps),
  Graham Cobb (gcobb) + 3 people who came in later

  (apologies if I've forgotten anyone)



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