2009/10/20 Marius Vollmer <marius.voll...@nokia.com>:
> ext Nathan Anderson <nat...@andersonsplace.net> writes:
>>       I noticed when I ran optification of a dev library is optified about
>> 75% of the c/c++ .h files.  I would think for consistancy sake maybe we
>> should either optify all of them or none of them.
> Hmm, I think -dev libraries are not the primary target of optification
> right now.  Would it be acceptable to have 'official' instructions (or a
> script) for moving all of /usr to the eMMC?  I think this is preferable
> to using optified packages and people who want to develop on the device
> are probably willing and able to follow those instructions.

It could be helpful if maemo-optify supports a command-line parameter
for specifying entire directories that should be optified. Nathan can then
specify the parent directories of the files to carry out the optification.

In my case (gpodder-icon-theme), I could tell maemo-optify to move the
complete folder /usr/share/icons/gpodder to /opt and create a single
symlink instead of just optifying some "big" files, as it does now.

Maybe something like this:

   maemo-optify -d <directory to be optified>

(This should disable the heuristic search for additional files? Or add
another option to disable the additional heuristics?)

Multiple occurences of the "-d <directory>" argument should be
allowed for more complicated packages.

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