On Nov 4, 2009, at 13:04, Attila Csipa wrote:

> On Tuesday 03 November 2009 23:40:24 Graham Cobb wrote:
>> debugging, I need to be able to control exactly which versions of  
>> various
>> libraries are being used for that particular build including,  
>> sometimes,
>> old versions.  And I often have different targets with different  
>> library
>> versions deliberately installed.
> I'm not sure if it's possible/viable on scratchbox and the final  
> SDK, but
> things like pbuilder make this easier (since they are in essence
> mini-autobuilders).

pbuilder (Personal Builder)[0] and cowbuilder (Copy On Write Builder) 
[1] both are extremely useful tools, I heartily recommend them. I  
wonder if one day we might configure them for maemo somehow.


0. http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/pbuilder-doc/pbuilder-doc.html
1. http://wiki.debian.org/cowbuilder
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