ext Thomas Perl <th.p...@gmail.com> writes:

> The following is a rant about XB-Maemo-Upgrade-Description
> with some suggestions for improvement...

Yeah, as soon as I 'invented' it, I could see how it is not going to
work very well.  I actually think it is best to ignore this field.

> My suggestion is to either use the Debian changelog, or if this sounds
> too "technical" for the end user, agree on some way to mark
> "user-relevant" changes in the Debian changelog (by using "USER:" as a
> prefix for a one-line summary or by having a convention of having the
> first entry in the Debian changelog be a user-friendly summary of all
> changes) and then parse the changelog and display all user-relevant
> changes in the AppMgr.

Yes, we pretty much have to have a full list of changes and the
Application manager then can display the relevant ones.  The
apt-listchanges program does this for Debian.
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