Unfortunatley, I'm running into two issues with these solutions:
1. After registering the MIME type, it still doesn't show up. Probably because 
of http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24690 (".ts files are 
incorrectly detected as "application/x-linguist" not "video/MP2T")
2. playbin2 doesn't seem to choose the "best" pipeline for playing these .ts 
files. I get better results (more fluid video) building simple pipelines myself.

I guess I could resolve the freedesktop bug on my machine for me and now, but 
if someone with a freedesktop bugzilla account could vote for that bug, I'd be 
happy :-)
Any ideas about issue 2?

Thanks for all the info - I just LOVE the framework that Maemo 5 offers!

> Juan A. Suarez Romero wrote:
>> On Sat, 2009-11-14 at 23:55 +0100, Thomas Waelti wrote:
>>> Hello all
>>> Using gst-launch with playbin2, I'm able to play .ts files on my N900 from 
>>> the command line.
>>> Is there any way to add this ability to the inbuilt mediaplayer? I guess 
>>> that this involves a few steps, but don't know how to achieve that:
>>> - Get Tracker to index .ts files as video files
>>> - Configure Mediaplayer to use the correct pipeline for this media type
>> Really, MAFW is in charge of playing things, not mediaplayer. And MAFW
>> is already using playbin2.
>> So you only need to configure tracker to index those .ts files in order
>> to show them as video files.
> Here's how Ogg Support does it:
> http://cgit.pingu.fi/repositories/ogg-support/ogg-support.git/tree/debian/ogg-support.postinst?id=1.0.5
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