Jeffrey Barish wrote:
> I am trying to activate the display on an N800 using dbus.  On maemo, my 
> code works fine.  On Mer, I get
> osso.OssoException: Cannot initialize context.
> I have fiddled with the X-Osso-Service entry in my .desktop file in 
> /usr/share/applications and with the Name entry in my .service file in 
> /usr/share/dbus-1/services.  Everything that I have tried produces the same 
> error message.  Has anyone had any luck using osso.Context on Mer?

Hmm, I've done this at a low level from python-dbus and hal iirc.
I can't get at that code at the moment.... but it may well change in the near
future anyhow; see below.

> BTW, is Mer still alive?

Yes, very much so.... however....

> I see that there has been some occasional chat 
> about it, but the release schedule for version 0.17 hasn't been updated for 
> a long time.  Nor, I believe, has the hardware support table. you've noticed we've slipped when it comes to releases.

One key reason is that we're integrating the Fremantle packages into Mer and
this is hard work; another is that both Carsten and I have been tied up on other
work too. However this should pay dividends over the hols and into the new year 

We've had a lot of new interest in Mer recently so we're hoping this will
improve moving the fremantle code back to the N8x0 devices; and now we have
sniffs of the 3D drivers that could be rather good.


(Ignoring the followup to news... I'm on maemo-developers)

"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."
maemo-developers mailing list
  • Dbus on Mer Jeffrey Barish
    • Re: Dbus on Mer David Greaves

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