On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 5:06 PM, Iñigo Illán <kodep...@terra.es> wrote:
> Having a device oriented mainly to internet but not having a framework for  
> storing passwords in a safe way seems a
> huge lack. Have anyone any suggestion of how to save passwords in a safe way 
> in Maemo5?

Agreed. A password storage service, such as kwalletd or gnome-keyring,
for single-sign-on would be great. If neither is ported or none
exists, a service that provides a DBUS api for password storage would
be quite useful.

As a side note, I'm writing a simple app for password management, it
uses the Qt Cryptographic Architecture ( http://delta.affinix.com/qca/
) for the encryption with OpenPGP keys. The QCA library isn't
available in the Maemo repos, but porting it seemed to be just a
matter of compilation (and perhaps optification is required). The lib
could easily be used for this kind of service as well.

Tatu Lahtela <laht...@iki.fi>
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