
On 01/09/2010 02:52 PM, Graham Cobb wrote:
On Thursday 07 January 2010 15:48:34 Anderson Lizardo wrote:
2010/1/7 Kimmo Hämäläinen<kimmo.hamalai...@nokia.com>:
On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 22:46 +0100, ext Graham Cobb wrote:
In Fremantle, the GPE Summary applet causes hildon-home to crash if it
is removed and then re-added.  I have not been able to work out what the
problem is.

We had several of this kind of crashes that happen when you remove and
add it back. Usually the problem was in the Glib types that the applet
uses: if it tries to register new types that are already there, or
something similar.  I guess Glib should print out some warnings for you?
(notice that hildon-home probably closes stdout by default)

As a side note, python-hildon suffered from these issues because the
latest hildon-home (or hildon-desktop?) versions seemed to incorporate
some gtype registration functions which were missing before (i.e. ones
usually generated by glib-mkenums). The python bindings tried to
register the same types again, which caused problems (the errors shown
on console gave a hint about this).

I can now reliably unload my plugin but I cannot add it back again.

I hit this GType problem.  My plugin (actually some of the libraries it relies
on) use GTypes.  So, of course, they register them.  When reloaded, the
attempt to register them again fails (and generates warning messages).  But
the functions for the type are now associated with code which has been
unmapped from memory!  So, when I use one of the types it crashes.

As there is no way (that I am aware of) for GTypes to be unregistered, or to
be reregistered, is there some way for me to stop hildon-home actually
unmapping my code? At least that would mean that the plugin could be re-added
to the desktop, although no newer version would be usable until a reboot.

You could define a g_module_check_init like this:

const gchar *
g_module_check_init (GModule *module)

    return NULL;

to prevent the module of being unloaded (see http://maemo.org/api_refs/5.0/5.0-final/glib/glib-Dynamic-Loading-of-Modules.html#glib-Dynamic-Loading-of-Modules.description).

Best regards,
Jan Arne
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