
Have you ever considered using two types of caches? Memory cache(maybe shared 
memory) and persistent cache(sqlite?).

Best regards,


> Hi all,
>    I'd like to propose a standard location to store cached map tiles 
> (from openstreetmaps, google, or whichever), so to avoid re-downloading 
> the same tiles when a user is using several applications which store 
> their data in different directories.
> I'm working on maemo-mapper at the moment, and I know there are other 
> applications (eCoach for instance) that are using map data. We could 
> save user's bandwidth, time and flash space if we put the map tiles in 
> the same place.
> I would suggest using
> ~/MyDocs/.maps/<provider>/<type>/<zoom>/<tile x>/<tile y>.png
> Where <provider> can be "google.com", "openstreetmap.org" or others, and 
> <type> is "street", "satellite", "hybrid", etc.
> Does anyone have a better proposal?
> Any map application developers here, interested in sharing maps with 
> maemo-mapper?
> Ciao,
>    Alberto
> -- 
> http://www.mardy.it <- geek in un lingua international!
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