> I guess that the problem is that you "demand" rather than request.

Really? That is the problem? The verb he used?

First of all, demand is the right word. It works like this with any website on 
the interwebs. It's always a give and take. Every user *demands* that a website 
is stable and fast, wether they formulate that on a mailing list or not. They 
demand that the site works or they'll leave - because that's the imaginary 
contract a website owner has with his/her users. I'll provide you a service and 
you'll come back, generate content for me etc. pp.

Now, Dave, if you don't care about Maemo's users (and I mean all kind of them - 
N900 end-users, FOSS developers, commercial developers), then you might have 
this attitude. Otherwise, you should be aware of this contract and thus realize 
why they have the right to demand a stable service - it's part of the payment 
for their time (which they could spend elsewhere). The other part of your 
payment is obviously some kind of service you provide them - if and when your 
servers run reliably.

Welcome to the internet age.

Second of all: he wrote a very insightful mail, highlighting many of the 
issues, mentioning the possible solutions he has suggested (and put on the 
maemo.org wiki) - and you decide to quote one sentence and comment on one verb 
he used. I think that is a very nice illustration of the *real* problem.


P.S., out of curiosity: are you being paid for the work you do for maemo.org?
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